Decolonizing aid
How can we hold conversations around challenging and emotionally charged topics such as decolonization and power shifts in our current system – especially given our position as privileged actors who have benefited from historical injustices?
Within the topic of “Decolonizing Aid”, we applied Transition Design methods and tools to reimagine the international development sector together with Fingo and participants from the Finnish NGO sector, East and West Africa, and artists. Alongside applying the futures-oriented Transition Design process, we embedded several design methods to host space for mindful and compassionate conversations.
“I wish to extend my sincere appreciation to you and the Fingo team for coming up with this initiative. The workshop will go a long way to contribute to the development that we’re all forecasting in the future.”
Our approach
Here are three new approaches we used to acknowledge and create space for complex emotions and systemic issues:
Grounding Activity: We started with a calming breathing exercise and music to gently ease into the session, fostering presence and openness among participants.
Emotional Carpet Weaving: We created a unique space for acknowledging and honoring the spectrum of emotions that emerged. Through the collective effort of placing colorful post-it notes on an empty grid, we wove together a metaphorical carpet of emotions.
Acknowledgment of Historical Harms: Fingo team members began with an acknowledgment of historical injustices, addressing the enduring legacy of colonialism and white supremacy within international development, setting the stage for accountability and meaningful change.
Emotional carpet weaving: Holding a space to acknowledge complex responses throughout the workshops